retawq Documentation
Configuring Keymaps

(This documentation file is only relevant in curses-like runmode.)


You can associate quite arbitrary keys with actual program actions, overriding or complementing the default keys. This allows you to handle retawq e.g. similar to other browsers or your favorite text editor.

This feature can be configured with the run-time configuration option "keymap", where each rule consists of one key identifier and one action identifier, which are explained below.


Keys can be encoded as follows; please note that some of the "special" keys don't work with all kinds of terminals.


Command actions can be encoded as follows; for a more extensive description of the actions, please refer to the "Commands" section of the Keyboard Handling documentation.

Line Input

Actions for the line input mode can be encoded as follows; you shouldn't map self-representing keys (e.g. letters) to actions because then you wouldn't be able to enter them as text in the edit area. For a more extensive description of the actions, please refer to the "Line Input" section of the Keyboard Handling documentation.

This documentation file is part of version 0.2.6c of retawq, a network client created by Arne Thomaßen. retawq is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Arne Thomaßen.