retawq Documentation
Command-Line Options
- --colors=off: don't use colors; if you never want to use
colors, you can set this more easily (permanently) with the run-time configuration option "colors"
- --colors=reverse: use black-on-white colors; if you always
want to use colors this way, you can set this more easily (permanently) with
the run-time configuration option "colors"
- --console: enter console runmode which
provides a functionality similar to that of the usual, old, shell-like FTP
clients; cf. Custom Connections
- --download=URL: download the content from the given URL, write it to standard output as it is received and
quit when done. (Technobabble: this option causes the program to enter the
download runmode.) Cf. the keyboard command "ctrl-d" for more information. Redirection
of the output to a file or to another program and errors are handled as
described for the "--dump" option below.
- --dump=URL: receive the document from the given URL completely, then "dump" it to standard output
(layouted) and quit. (Technobabble: this option causes the program to enter the
dump runmode.) Cf. the keyboard
command "d". To store the output in a file, apply the shell redirection
operator ">" as usual, e.g. "retawq --dump=about:retawq >ABOUT". To
redirect the output to another program, apply the shell pipeline operator "|"
as usual, e.g. "retawq --dump=about:retawq | wc --lines". If an error occurs, a
"fatal error" message is printed to standard error (so it's redirectable with
the shell operator "2>"), and the program exits with a non-zero exitcode. -
More detailed control over the output formatting will be possible in a later
version with a "dumpstyle" option.
- --help, -h: print a help text and quit
- --resume-session: resume a session from
the default session file (usually something like
"/home/your_home/.retawq/session") in curses-like runmode
- --resume-session=filename: resume a session from the given file in curses-like runmode
- --rtcfg=letters: which run-time
configuration shall actually be used; the letter "b" stands for "built-in"
(cf. the compile-time configuration option
OPTION_BIRTCFG), the letter "e" for "external file"; you can also combine both
letters or leave them out completely; by default, all "existing" run-time
configurations are used.
- --userdir=path: the path to a retawq user directory which
usually contains at least a run-time configuration
file; cf. the section "User Directory" in the user
guide. By default, the user directory is something like
"/home/your_home/.retawq/", depending on the environment variable
"HOME"; this option allows you to use several profiles easily.
- --version, -v: print a short version information and
You can also specify the URLs of one or two
documents which are then shown (in curses-like runmode).
This documentation file is part of version 0.2.6c of retawq, a network client created by
Arne Thomaßen. retawq is basically released under
certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Arne Thomaßen.