retawq/README - basic information This file is part of retawq (), a network client created by Arne Thomassen; retawq is basically released under certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Read the file COPYING for license details. Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Arne Thomassen retawq is an interactive, multi-threaded network client (web browser) for text terminals on computers with Unix-like operating systems. It is written in C, fast, small, nicely configurable, and comfortable; e.g. the low-level network communications are performed in a non-blocking way, and you can keep open as many "virtual windows" as you want and work simultaneously in two of them in a split-screen mode. Requirements: a Unix-like operating system, a C compiler; recommended: a curses library for text terminal control, a pthreads (Posix threads) library For installation instructions, read the file INSTALL. For extensive documentation, open the file retawq/docu/index.html with a web browser. The project home page is . There you can find more information about the project and the most recent version of the package. Please note that this is an early release of retawq (technobabble: "alpha development status"). Although it works for me, it might have severe bugs - this project is still quite experimental...